No Escape From a Killer

Men of the Badge moves to the North Georgia mountain town of Hawk’s Peak.

Dead Man Stalking. Emmy Bradenton is on the run from a husband who’s been declared dead. The day she’d planned to leave him, Atlanta homicide cop Max Weber goes missing. A bloody scene at their home leads cops to the conclusion he must be dead.

But, Emmy knows better. Max knows how to commit murder and get away with it. For whatever reason, he’s concocted this maniacal plot to disappear and then kill her.

Luke, one of the undercover cops who worked with Weston in Tempted to Kill, is on sabbatical due to the death of his wife from her long battle against Leukemia.

Emmy sparks his soul back into life. By the time he figures out why she looks familiar, he’s already fallen in love with her. Then, it’s a flat out sprint to save Emmy from a killer.

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